I am a special needs parent and I accept that my child has a disability.
I hate that fact that this is our reality.I don't like to spend my days in therapies, doctor appointments or constantly researching about my child's disability.
I hate telling people that my child is different my heart aches every time.
I hate thinking about my child's future because I know that I can never die.
I hate knowing that my child will probably never have a "typical life" whatever this means.
I hate having to explain my child's disability to people over and over again.
When you have a typical child you don't walk around explaining your child’s behaviors to people.
I hate it all.
I could probably go on and on about all the things I hate about my child having a disability.
I accept it.
I accept the Unacceptable.
You don't have to be OK with the difficult things that come with your child's disability.You can hate the fact that your child can't do this or that.
But please don't get stuck there.
As a special needs parent you are allowed to hate it all.
We do have to learn to accept the Unacceptable.
The only way we can help our child is to accept their unique world.
We have to embrace all their differences.
Learn to love their world.
Join their world so they can come to ours.
We have to be willing to change the world for our child.
Today and everyday.